2010 Feb 14 New York City USA Williamsburg Music Hall
- 1. This Romance Will Be Different For Me
- 2. These Bodies That Came To Cavort
- 3. Because Her Beauty is Raw and Wild
- 4. No One Was Like Vermeer
- 5. Egyptian Reggae
- 6. Let Her Go Into the Darkness
- 7. You Can Have A Cell Phone That's Ok But Not Me
- 8. I Was The One She Came For
- 9. I Was Dancing in the Lesbian Bar
- 10. Pablo Picasso
- 11. Celestial
- 12. A Hard Time Saying Goodbye
- 13. Old World
- 14. Winter Afternoon By B.U. In Boston
- 15. Le Printemps Des Amoreux Est Venue
- 16. Es Como El Pan
- 17. When We Refuse to Suffer
- 18. My Baby Love Love Loves Me
- 19. Sa Voix M'Atisse
- 20. Mr. Sorrow
- 21. Not So Much To Be Loved As To Love
This recording is available
JB (2011-11-12)
Mr. Sorrow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXYjJG-kGR0