1988 Feb 4 Hamburg Germany Logo
- 1. Dancin' Late at Night
- 2. Those Conga Drums
- 3. The Neighbors
- 4. Ice Cream Man
- 5. California Desert Party
- 6. Vincent Van Gogh
- 7. Gail Loves Me
- 8. Let's Take a Trip
- 9. Everyday Clothes
- 10. Give Paris One More Chance
- 11. Now is Better Than Before
- 12. I Love Hot Nights
- 13. The UFO Man
- 14. This Kind Of Music
- 15. That Summer Feeling
- 16. The Beach
- 17. When Harpo Played His Harp
- 18. Circle I
- 19. My Jeans
This recording is available
Bob (2011-04-09)
With Johnny Avila and Brennan TottenJB (2011-10-11)
Encore starts with "The Beach"JB (2011-10-11)
"Everyday Clothes" is acapella